My Story, Faith, Strength and continued Journey……

I never thought that I would hear those words “You have Breast Cancer”.  After all, I have had more than my share of medical issues. I have had 2 kidney transplants, one in 1992 and a second in 2005, which is strong and healthy! I am sharing my journey from the beginning including my strength, faith, and including others who have inspired me and look to help others.

In February 2021, I was diagnosed at UPHS- Marquette and went for a second opinion two weeks later at U of W Hospital in Madison to decide on treatment. On March 1st, I had my first chemo treatment at UPHS- Marquette. During my first treatment, the nurse got chemo outside of the port under my skin and damaged my tissue.  During the next couple months, I was told that it would heal. Finally, we went to U of W Hospital in June because I was not getting better. We went to the appointment and during it they scheduled an emergency surgery within a couple hours to remove port and infected tissue. I was in the hospital for a week after the surgery to continue medication for the 3 infections and to be cared for as I was not out of the woods yet. The infections were very serious.  I was then discharged; we went home, 1 ½ days later I had a stroke and was air lifted to U of W hospital for another emergency surgery to remove the blood clot. Five days later I was discharged and was able to walk out of the hospital.

A few months later U of W Hospital found that the breast cancer had metastasized to my bone. I had 2 surgeries at U of W Hospital, we had many trips to Madison for the wound from the chemo spill and then went back on treatment. I am continuing treatment and had a Pet Scan in June. The Pet Scan report results show “No active Cancer”. Praise Jesus! I will have another Pet Scan early December.

This last year and a half has been terribly hard. As I begin this blog, I am looking back to how sick I was. I know Jesus carried me through it all, he continues to take care of me, and I know he has plans for me. I am thankful for my husband who took care of me, and my friends and family that also helped me through. I am also grateful for good Christians in my life who have inspired me and whom I have learned from. My faith is stronger, I am feeling good, I enjoyed the summer and fall and am continuing to work on my physical strength. This winter will be outside cardio and some gym time.

This is the beginning of the blog and I have a lot I want to share, the good and the hard. The kind of Breast Cancer I have is triple negative and I have a triple positive mindset. I look forward to sharing with you how I am healing, adventures, resources, etc. connect with others and see where this blog will go…maybe a book? Lol!  I am not looking for sadness, but faith, strength and to inspire others. After all, making a difference in this world is my passion.

Thank you for the continued prayers and positive thoughts!

Xo – Amy

3 thoughts on “My Story, Faith, Strength and continued Journey……

  1. Amy you faithful walk with Jesus Christ has been inspiring to many. I love you triple positive attitude for sure. Such a blessing to read your blog. No doubt you will inspire others through your journey! You are loved. Praying for cancer free results in December. God bless you! Andrea


  2. Amy, you have battled with a lot of medical issues and you are coming out on top lady! You are definitely a bad ass! I’m glad you had so many people by your side and even the bigger person god. Love to you and the strength you have!


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